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Bio-One of Tucson decontamination and biohazard cleaning services

Navigating Grief: Coping with the Loss of a Relative to Suicide

Dealing with the loss of a family member to suicide is accompanied by a distinctive type of grief, raising numerous questions that often remain unanswered. In this space, we directly tackle the painful emotions and challenges you might face, from confronting shock traumatic grief, and stigma to embracing healing. We guide you to understanding grief’s complexity, provide practical coping strategies, and connect you with supportive communities. Step by tentative step, this article is here to help you find your footing.

Key Takeaways

  • Survivors of suicide loss experience complex emotions such as profound sadness, guilt, and anger, magnified by stigma and misconceptions surrounding suicide, necessitating time to process and avenues for support.
  • Stigmatization of suicide, compounds survivor grief, leading to isolation and complicating the mourning process, but support groups and mental health resources provide avenues to healing.
  • Healthy coping strategies for suicide grief include prioritizing self-care, expressing emotions, joining support groups, and engaging in activities to honor the memory of the lost loved one.

Understanding the Complex Emotions of Suicide Loss

Losing someone to suicide can be hard to to understand emotionally.

The storm of emotions that follows a suicide loss is often more complex and intense than the grief experienced after other types of loss. It’s a mixture of profound sadness, guilt, and even anger. These feelings can be further complicated by the societal stigma surrounding suicide, which often leaves survivors feeling isolated and misunderstood. But remember, it’s okay to feel this way. Your feelings are valid, and it’s important to allow yourself to experience them fully as part of your healing process.

While embarking on this difficult journey, remember that you don’t have to face it alone. There are numerous support groups and mental health professionals who specialize in assisting suicide loss survivors, including those who are suicide survivors themselves. They can provide guidance through the initial shock and despair, aiding in your journey towards healing.

There is no right or wrong way to grieve, and it’s important to take the time you need to fully process your emotions.

Guilt and responsibility

It’s common for suicide loss survivors to experience a deep sense of guilt and responsibility after a loved one’s suicide. You might feel guilty and find yourself questioning if you could have done more to prevent their death or feeling responsible for not noticing the signs. The impact of these feelings on your mental health can be significant, possibly leading to conditions like depression or even post-traumatic stress disorder.

However, it’s critical to remember that the decision to end one’s life is complex and often stems from a deep-seated pain that was beyond your control. You did the best you could with the knowledge and resources you had at the time. To manage these feelings, consider seeking professional support, joining support groups for survivors of suicide, and engaging in self-care activities. These measures can help you begin the healing process and navigate your grief.

Anger and frustration

In addition to guilt, you might also find yourself grappling with feelings of anger and frustration. These feelings may arise from a sense of betrayal, abandonment, or helplessness associated with the suicide loss. The sudden and when a violent nature of suicide death of suicide can intensify these emotions, making it even more crucial to seek support.

The duration of these feelings varies greatly among individuals. They can persist for days, weeks, or even months as you work through the complex feelings prompted by the loss. But remember, it’s okay to feel angry. It’s a natural part of the grieving process, and it’s important to allow yourself to fully experience unresolved grief and express this anger in a healthy way.

Grief and sadness

The feelings of complicated grief and sadness that follow a suicide loss can be profound. You might feel a sense of:

  • loss
  • isolation
  • guilt
  • anger
  • confusion

Experiencing intense emotions that are difficult to put into words can be a sign of mental illness. It’s important to address these emotions to prevent the development of suicidal thoughts.

Healing healthily after the suicide of a loved one involves acknowledging and processing these intricate emotions.The grieving process lost someone to suicide can span several years, but remember: it’s not a race. Take all the time you need and consider availing yourself of the support offered to survivors of suicide loss. This can help you confront the shock, bewilderment, and desolation that often follows a suicide loss, and start your healing journey.

The Stigma Surrounding Suicides

Support group meeting, offering comfort and understanding

The stigma surrounding suicides can exacerbate the feelings of grief and isolation experienced after a suicide loss. Society’s misconceptions and misinformation about suicide can often create an environment of shame and guilt, making it harder for survivors to openly talk about their feelings. This stigma can significantly influence the mourning and healing process, often leading to social withdrawal and physical symptoms of complex grief.

But remember: you are not alone. There are others who’ve walked this painful path and understand the unique challenges you’re facing. By seeking support from those who’ve experienced similar losses, and by actively working to break down the stigma associated with suicide, you can start to heal. It’s a long and difficult journey, but with time and support, you can navigate this path.

Overcoming isolation

The stigma surrounding taking one’s own life, can often lead to feelings of isolation. You might find yourself withdrawing from social activities or feeling disconnected from the community. But remember: you don’t have to face this alone.

Organizations like 988 Lifeline and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) offer resources and support groups specifically designed to help individuals who have experienced a suicide loss. These resources can help alleviate feelings of isolation and guide you through the complex emotions associated with such a loss.

Friends and family can also provide significant support by offering a listening ear, facilitating access to professional help, and aiding with practical tasks.

Seeking support from others

Seeking support from others can play a crucial role in your healing journey. Others who’ve experienced a similar loss can provide a unique understanding and shared camaraderie that can be profoundly comforting.

Support from others can provide emotional and psychological support, break down the stigma associated with suicide, and promote understanding and education about mental health. It’s okay to lean on others during this difficult time, and it’s okay to ask for help when you need it.

Know that you are not walking this path alone; there is a compassionate community standing by, ready to offer you the support you need.

Healthy Coping Strategies for Suicide Grief

Self-care activities, such as yoga and meditation

The grieving process following a suicide loss can be a long and difficult journey, filled with complex emotions. However, there are several healthy coping strategies that can help you navigate this difficult time. These strategies include self-care and expressing your emotions, both of which can greatly aid in managing the intense stress caused by grief and attempt suicide itself.

Remember: it’s okay to take care of yourself. It’s okay to:

  • cry
  • scream
  • let out your feelings
  • seek help
  • lean on others
  • take time for yourself

You’re not alone in this journey, and there are many resources available to help you navigate this difficult time.


During the grieving process, it’s important to prioritize self-care. This means taking care of your physical health, emotional, and mental health. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and a balanced diet can all play significant roles in supporting your well-being during this difficult time.

Engaging in activities that you enjoy can also provide a much-needed respite from your grief. Whether it’s reading a book, going for a walk, or spending time with loved ones, these activities can provide a sense of normalcy in the midst of grief. Remember: it’s okay to take time for yourself during this difficult time.

Expressing emotions

Expressing your emotions is a crucial part of the grieving process. It’s important to allow yourself to feel your feelings, no matter how painful they may be. Whether it’s through talking, writing, or other creative outlets, expressing your emotions can help you process your grief and start the healing process.

Engaging in activities such as exercise, writing, and other forms of creative expression can provide therapeutic avenues for you to process your emotions after experiencing a traumatic event or a suicide loss. Remember: it’s okay to express your feelings, and it’s okay to seek help when you need it.

Support Groups and Mental Health Resources

Being part of support groups can provide emotional support when coping with the loss of a loved one.

Support groups and mental health resources can provide invaluable assistance to those grieving a lost relative. These resources can provide emotional support, validation, and a safe space for you to express your feelings.

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) and Alliance of Hope are just two of the many organizations that offer support groups for those who have lost a loved one to suicide. These groups can provide a sense of community and shared understanding that can be invaluable during the grieving process.

Finding a support group

Finding a support group can be a significant step in your healing journey. These groups offer a unique community of individuals who have experienced a similar loss and can provide a safe, supportive space for you to:

  • Express your feelings
  • Share your experiences
  • Receive empathy and understanding
  • Gain insights and coping strategies
  • Build connections and friendships

Organizations like the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) and Alliance of Hope offer directories of support groups in various locations. These groups can provide invaluable support and understanding during your grieving process.

Professional help

Seeking professional help, such as therapy or grief counseling, can be incredibly beneficial during your grieving process after parental suicide. These professionals can provide support, understanding, and guidance to help you navigate the complex emotions associated with losing a loved one to suicide.

You can find a qualified grief counselor or therapist who specializes in suicide loss through resources such as the Suicide Bereavement Clinician Training program or the directory on Psychology Today. These professionals have the experience and understanding to provide the support you need during this difficult time.

Honoring the Memory of Your Loved One

Creating a memorial flower garden can be part of the healing process and a place to reflect on memories.

Honoring the memory of a loved one lost to suicide can be a powerful part of your healing process. It provides a means to remember your loved one and express your grief in a tangible way. Whether it’s through:

  • Creating a memorial
  • Participating in meaningful activities
  • Sharing stories and memories
  • Supporting suicide prevention organizations

These actions can help you remember your loved one and find a sense of closure after a loved one’s death.

Remember: it’s okay to remember. It’s okay to honor your loved one’s memory and to keep their legacy alive. These actions are not a sign of dwelling on the past, but rather a testament to your love for them and their impact on your life.

Creating a memorial

Creating a memorial for a loved one lost to suicide can be a meaningful way to honor their memory. Whether it’s a physical memorial or an online tribute, these memorials can provide a space for you to remember your loved one and express your grief.

When establishing a memorial, consider what would best reflect your loved one. This could be a personal account, a dedicated memorial page, or a traditional memorial service. Remember: there’s no right or wrong way to remember your loved one. The most important thing is that the memorial feels meaningful to you.

Engaging in meaningful activities

Engaging in meaningful activities can also be a powerful way to honor the memory of a loved one. This could be volunteering for a cause they cared about, participating in an event in their honor, or even something as simple as creating a time capsule of memories.

Participating in advocacy work, such as raising awareness about mental health issues or advocating for suicide prevention initiatives, can also be a meaningful way to honor your loved one’s memory. Not only can this help you process your grief, but it can also make a positive impact on others.

Supporting Others Grieving a Lost Relative

If you know someone who is grieving a lost relative, it can be difficult to know how to support them. However, your support can make a significant difference in their healing journey. By being present and offering practical help, you can provide invaluable support to people bereaved or those grieving a lost relative.

Remember: it’s okay to not have all the answers. It’s okay to not know what to say. The key is to remain available for them, offering an empathetic ear and extending your support in any manner possible.

Being present

Being present for someone grieving a lost relative can be one of the most powerful ways to support them. This means being available to listen, to comfort, and to simply be there for them.

Being present doesn’t mean you need to have all the answers. It simply means being there to listen and to provide comfort. Simply letting them know you’re there for them can provide a great deal of comfort during this difficult time.

Offering practical help

In addition to emotional support, offering practical help can also be a significant source of support for those grieving a lost relative. This could be anything from helping with daily tasks to offering resources for grief support.

Remember: every little bit helps. Even small acts of kindness can make a big difference. Whether it’s making a meal, offering to run errands, or just being there to listen, your support can make a significant difference in their healing journey.


In conclusion, the grief that follows a lost relative’s suicide is a challenging journey filled with complex emotions. However, with understanding, support, and the right resources, it’s possible to navigate this difficult time and find a path towards healing. It’s important to remember that you’re not alone in this journey, and there are many resources available to help you navigate this difficult time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the typical emotions that individuals experience following a suicide loss?

Following a suicide loss, individuals typically experience a range of emotions including depression, PTSD, and suicidal ideation or behaviors, profound sadness, and guilt. These emotions are part of the grieving process and can be overwhelming.

How can family and friends provide support to an individual experiencing isolation following a suicide loss?

Family members and friends can provide crucial emotional support and assistance with daily tasks for someone experiencing isolation after a suicide loss, while also helping them access professional help if necessary.

What are the benefits of practical support for individuals grieving from a suicide loss?

Practical support, such as participation in suicide loss-specific support groups, can significantly improve the wellbeing of the already bereaved person by providing empathetic assistance and fostering a sense of community among individuals who have undergone similar experiences.

What are effective methods to support an individual coping with the loss of a family member?

Offering practical help with daily tasks like grocery shopping and meals, along with providing a compassionate ear, can support an individual coping with the loss of a family member. These gestures can aid in their grieving process.

When a loved one passes away, managing the practicalities of cleaning their last surroundings is a task no one is prepared for. This is where a death cleaning service steps in, offering specialized clean-up to handle the situation with professionalism and sensitivity during an unattended death cleanup. In the following guide, we discuss what these services entail, the reasons for their necessity, and how to choose the right service to ease this part of a difficult journey.

Key Takeaways

  • Death cleaning services provide specialized clean-up, disinfection, and deodorization in areas where unattended deaths have occurred, ensuring safety from biohazards while supporting the emotional needs of the affected family.
  • Choosing the right death cleaning service requires considering their experience, expertise, and compliance with regulations such as licensing, insurance, and OSHA standards, alongside checking customer reviews and recommendations.
  • The comprehensive death cleaning process includes an initial assessment, safely clean, removal of contaminated items, including porous materials, biological material, disinfection of bodily fluids, deodorization, and restoration.

Understanding Death Cleaning Services

Death cleaning service involves proper PPE, specialized chemicals, and can special equipment.
Death cleaning service involves proper PPE, specialized chemicals, and can special equipment.

When a person passes away alone and is not immediately found, it results in an unattended death that presents numerous difficulties. The body decomposition and process starts shortly after the death occurs and the longer the body remains undiscovered, the more complicated becomes the task of cleaning up. Professional services for handling these situations are equipped to manage such challenges by providing complete cleanup procedures including disinfection and deodorization of affected areas to prevent any potential spread of biohazards like bloodborne pathogens or other infectious materials. These specialized services not only ensure physical cleanliness, but also offer emotional support to families dealing with this tragedy as part of facilitating their healing process.

What is a Death Cleaning Service?

A death cleaning service specializes in sanitizing and deodorizing locations where an unattended death has occurred. These services require extensive training and specialized equipment to handle biohazardous materials, ensuring a thorough cleanup of the area.

The tasks involved in these services include thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing the site, removing bodily fluids, and providing necessary equipment for proper sanitation measures. The professionals who offer these services possess technical skills as well as empathy towards their clients while exhibiting mental resilience. They use personal protective gear like PPEs along with appropriate disposal containers and disinfectants solutions during the cleanup process.

Importance of Professional Death Cleaning

Professional death cleaning services are essential for more than just the physical removal of biohazard material. They play a crucial role in preventing potential health hazards, such as exposure to diseases like HIV, hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis infections, and gastrointestinal infections that can be transmitted through contaminated human body and fluids at a death scene.

Attempting to clean up after a death without professional assistance puts individuals at risk of disease exposure and other physical dangers from hazardous materials. In contrast, enlisting the help of experienced death cleaning services offers several benefits: adhering to OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens Standard ensures thorough decontamination techniques while properly containing any bloodborne pathogens. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is used throughout the cleanup process for added safety precautions. Sharp objects are handled with specialized devices designed specifically to prevent injuries.

By entrusting the Bio-One cleanup process following a tragedy or loss-of-life event solely into trained professionals’ hands instead of attempting it on your own, you take significant measures towards minimizing risks associated with potentially harmful substances found inside buildings where deaths have occurred. Through using proper methods outlined by OSHA’s Blood-borne pathogen standards coupled with individualized care & diligence provided exclusively by Death Cleaning Services, all necessary steps required to be taken when sanitizing spaces having preexisting biohazards present remain performed correctly – right down to every last detail done impeccably well overall!

Selecting the Right Death Cleaning Service

Selecting an appropriate death cleaning service is a critical step in the process. Prioritizing a service with extensive experience is essential due to the expertise of seasoned professionals in managing cleanup safely and effectively, even in cases involving a decomposing dead body.

In addition, it’s vital to consider the licensing and insurance of the service, Bio-One Tucson ensures compliance with industry and public health regulations. They also play a significant role in instilling confidence in the client. The state of Arizona requires anyone disposing of medical waste to be registered with the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ).

Solid Waste Compliance Assistance | Biohazardous Medical Waste Transporters, Storage and Treatment

Common Violations & How to Prevent Them

Proactively managing biohazardous medical waste at your facility not only protects public health and the environment, it prevents violations and can save owners and operators sizable costs related to enforcement. Following are the most common violations and requirements and best practices to prevent them.

Improper disposal

Biohazardous medical waste needs to be transported by an approved biohazardous medical waste transporter to an approved disposal facility. Do not unload, reload or transfer biohazardous medical waste to another vehicle in any location other than an ADEQ-approved facility, except in emergencies.

Biohazardous Medical Waste Transporters Registered with ADEQ | Download >

Lack of proper tracking documentation

Any person who accepts biohazardous medical waste must keep a signed tracking form for a minimum of one year after the acceptance of the waste. The tracking form must be signed by a transporter and comply with state requirements,2 which include:

  • Name and address of the generator, transporter, and medical waste treatment, storage, transfer, or disposal facility, as applicable.
  • Quantity of biohazardous medical waste collected by weight, volume or number of containers.
  • Identification number attached to bags or containers.
  • Date the biohazardous medical waste is collected.

Improper delivery and/or storage

Any person who transports biohazardous medical waste must deliver the waste to an approved biohazardous medical waste storage, transfer, treatment or disposal facility within 24 hours of collection or refrigerate the waste for no more than 90 days at 40°F (or less) until delivery.

Lastly, it’s important to review customer reviews and recommendations to gain insights into the reliability and efficiency of the service.

Experience and Expertise

The success of a death cleaning service greatly depends on their level of experience. Services that have been in the industry for almost 20 years or more than 10 years are highly respected.

To be qualified as a death cleaning service, one must have a clean criminal record, pass drug tests and possess various training certificates such as biohazard remediation.

A way for these services to demonstrate their expertise is through well-trained staff who can effectively perform crucial tasks like decluttering, sanitizing and eliminating odors from homes or businesses using specialized techniques and equipment beyond traditional household cleaners.

Licensing, Insurance, and OSHA Compliance

Licensing and insurance form integral aspects of a death cleaning service. They guarantee compliance with industry and public health regulations, thereby instilling confidence in the client. Furthermore, OSHA compliance is essential for death cleaning services as it provides clear guidelines for the safe handling of biohazardous materials, and how to properly dispose of them.

Adhering to OSHA regulations is critical to safeguarding the well-being of workers and the community from potential health risks.

Customer Reviews and Recommendations

Reviews and recommendations from satisfied customers can offer valuable insights into the quality and reliability of death cleaning services. Platforms like Google Reviews, and BBB are trusted sources for trustworthy customer feedback on such services. Bio One Tucson serves the Southern Arizona region including Tucson, Oro Valley, Sahuarita, Green Valley, Tanque Verde, Catalina Foothills, Red Rock, Marana, Casa Grande, Benson, Rio Rico, Sierra Vista, Bisbee, Tombstone, Yuma, Willcox, Vail.

It is also advisable to consult with friends, family members, counselors or law enforcement officials as they may be able to recommend a reputable local provider based on positive experiences. This ensures compassionate support during difficult situations involving death cleanup.

The Death Cleaning Process

Biohazard cleanup such as porous surfaces can include untreated wood, removal can be very difficult work depending on the material.
Biohazard cleanup such as porous surfaces can include untreated wood, removal can be very difficult work depending on the material.

The process of death cleaning involves several essential steps, including an initial evaluation and the removal of any contaminated items. It is necessary to thoroughly disinfect and deodorize the affected area using specialized equipment in order to restore it safely to livable condition.

A systematic approach must be taken during this meticulous procedure to ensure that all traces of contaminants are eliminated from the space where a death has occurred. This methodical process also includes restoring the affected area back to its original state, leaving no trace behind with thorough disinfection measures implemented throughout.

Initial Assessment and Plan

During the initial evaluation, a death cleaning company conducts a thorough inspection of the area and follows OSHA guidelines for employee safety hazards.

When creating a cleanup team strategy, it is important to consider various factors such as expertise, ensuring safety measures are in place, having necessary equipment available at hand discreetly and responding promptly. Legal considerations and controlling odor are also crucial components to be taken into account when developing an effective plan tailored specifically towards each unique death scene. The aim is always to restore the environment back to its original state- perfectly normal.

The approach used for cleaning will vary depending on the nature of each individual case. After all, no two deaths scenes are alike. These professionals acknowledge that different scenarios present distinct challenges hence their customized plans cater accordingly with utmost discretion involved throughout every step of the response process.

Removal of Contaminated Items

Proper removal and disposal of contaminated items by death cleaning team
Proper removal and disposal of contaminated items by death cleaning team

Proper disposal of contaminated items, including biological material, is a crucial step in the death cleaning process. These items often consist of porous materials like bed linens and clothing that can harbor bacteria and produce unpleasant odors.

Bio One Tucson professionals are trained to handle post-death cleanup follow specific procedures for disposing of biohazardous materials such as incineration. This ensures compliance with regulations and safe handling practices. In situations where contamination from porous material is minimal, some semi-porous or non-porous items may be effectively disinfected and kept through proper disinfection methods provided by biohazard cleanup services.

Removal of all items in the refrigerator and prescription medication is also be completed.
Removal of all items in the refrigerator and prescription medication is also be completed.

Disinfection and Deodorization

Death cleaning services specialize in thorough disinfection and deodorization during the death cleaning process. This involves utilizing specific techniques and equipment to ensure a deep clean of the area.

To thoroughly disinfect a space, all affected property is removed before surfaces are disinfected and odors are eliminated through deodorization methods. The recommended steps for effective deodorizing include removing any remains from the space, ventilating it properly, and using strong chemicals to fully disinfect areas affected and eradicate any lingering smells. Traditional home cleaning solutions are a service are also offered in these situations that most people also take advantage of. This alleviates the emotional load on the bereaved family and guarantees that the property is meticulously sanitized. With a team of highly skilled professionals taking charge of the cleaning and disinfection, the family is spared from the distress of facing common cleaning errors.

Testing impacted areas is an extensive process.
Testing impacted areas is an extensive process.
Air scrubbers are used on site to provide a safe work environment.
Air scrubbers are used on site to provide a safe work environment.
Due to the physically demanding work PPE gets changed out very frequently.
Due to the physically demanding work PPE gets changed out very frequently.
All impacted areas must be sanitized and sealed properly.
All impacted areas must be sanitized and sealed properly.
Additionally all equipment used must be sanitized as well.
Additionally all equipment used must be sanitized as well.

Financial Considerations and Insurance

When it comes to death cleaning services, taking into account financial factors is crucial. The cost of such services can vary, and depends on a number of factors including the timing of the service, extent of cleanup required, size of the area and presence of biohazardous materials. To reduce expenses for families affected by loss or death cleaning needs, it has become common practice for these services to work with insurance companies in handling claims.

It’s important not to overlook finances when considering hiring a professional death cleaning service as costs typically range drastically depending largely upon criteria like timeframes involved, cleanup scope, size location & biohazards present. Often arrangements may be made through an insurer responsible for mitigating the restorative expenditures resulting from this necessity during bereavement.Those seeking assistance should first consider reputable options working mutually outwith compulsory coverage matters alleviating typical family payroll deductibles incidentally arising commonly following disabling misadventure.

Estimating Cleanup Costs

The cost of death cleaning services can be affected by a number of factors. These include the severity and type of biohazards present, as well as the time when cleanup is needed.

The location where the death occurred also plays a significant role in determining costs. The degree of seriousness, types of hazardous materials involved, and amount of labor required for cleanup are all considerations that contribute to overall pricing.

Longer periods between the incident and scheduled clean-up may result in more complex situations with higher associated expenses for death cleaning services.

Working with Your Insurance Company

Insurance policies usually cover the following services:

  • The removal and sanitation of deceased individuals.
  • Restoration and cleaning for property damage caused by death or trauma.
  • Biohazard remediation after a crime or traumatic event.

Some providers of death cleaning may have partnerships with insurance companies, but others may require separate arrangements to file claims. Bio One Tucson collaborates directly with the insurer, these services can help minimize personal expenses related to death cleanup.

Emotional Support During the Cleanup Process

The role of emotional support from death cleaning experts is crucial during the cleanup process. It helps people deal with their emotions and promotes compassionate communication and empathy throughout the entire procedure of clearing out after a loved one’s passing.

Grieving and Coping with Loss

Grieving is a highly personal experience, with each individual going through their own unique journey. The process of grieving after the death of a loved one typically involves stages such as denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Family and friends can provide valuable support during this difficult time by being present for the person experiencing loss, showing empathy towards them, sharing memories about their departed loved one and offering practical help while also demonstrating patience and understanding.

To the support from family and friends mentioned above, services provided by professionals like therapists, counselors or psychologists are available to help those dealing with losing someone close to them. Called grief counseling, this type of therapy focuses on helping individuals navigate emotions that come with loss such as shock, pain, and anger. Techniques are offered in order to assist in managing grief. It’s aimed at addressing these feelings associated specifically.

Compassionate Care from Death Cleaning Professionals

Compassionate death cleaning experts must demonstrate compassion, respect and empathy towards their clients. Their support extends to bereaved families through thorough disinfection, deodorization and cleaning of affected areas, providing a sense of comfort and relief.

They also ensure confidentiality by prioritizing client privacy during discreet operations while maintaining professionalism when dealing with challenging situations involving biohazardous materials. The professionals receive specialized training in crime scene cleanup, including on-the-job guidance for handling such sensitive matters with care.


In summary, the services provided by unattended death cleaning companies such as Bio One Tucson are crucial in effectively managing an unattended death. They ensure a thorough and proper cleanup of the area, including disinfection and removal of odors. They offer emotional support to grieving families while adhering to industry standards and public health regulations for safety purposes. It is important to choose a service with experience and compassionate care when selecting these services despite concerns about cost. Bio One Tucson works with insurance companies which can help alleviate financial burdens for the family.

Frequently Asked Questions

When someone dies in your house who cleans the person dies house?

When dealing with the aftermath of a death in your home, it is highly recommended to enlist the help of a trauma cleanup service. These professionals are specially trained in sanitizing and handling biohazards, guaranteeing both safety and thorough cleanliness for your space. By utilizing their services, you can effectively handle the necessary cleanup with peace of mind.

What is the process of unattended death cleanup process about?

The cleanup process for unattended death situations requires specialized training and the utilization of protective equipment such as PPE and respirators. It commences with eliminating the deceased individual, followed by extensive cleaning and disinfection of the deceased person and area, which includes removing bodily fluids and contaminated materials to ensure a thorough cleansing is achieved.

What is a death cleaning service?

A unattended death cleanup services cleaning service is a specialized company that focuses on sanitizing and tidying up locations where an unattended death has taken place. Their team undergoes rigorous training and utilizes specific equipment to properly handle hazardous materials associated with such incidents.

Why is professional death cleaning important?

Thoroughly decontaminating and properly containing bloodborne pathogens through professional death cleaning is crucial for both the physical safety of individuals and the emotional well-being of families. This method also ensures compliance with OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, preventing potential health hazards from spreading to others. By conducting a comprehensive cleanup after a death occurs, it can alleviate the burden on loved ones during an already difficult time.



It's a new year and we're offering all new clients 10% OFF your 1st service!


Bio-One of Tucson specializes in all types of residential, business, commercial, and vehicle cleanups including; Coronavirus (COVID-19) disinfection and cleaning, Crime and trauma scene cleanup, Hoarding cleanup/removal, Suicide/Undiscovered death cleanup, Mold remediation and more!


Call us at 520-873-9528 to schedule your free estimate today. Be sure to mention our "new years discount" to receive 10% off. Offer ends March 31, 2022.



Bio-One of Tucson specializes in all types of clean up including coronavirus (COVID-19) disinfection and cleaning, crime and trauma scene cleanup, hoarding removal, mold remediation, emergency decontamination, disinfection services and more in Tucson and the surrounding communities in the following counties: Pima County, Pinal County, Yuma County, Cochise County, Santa Cruz County, Graham County, and Greenlee County. 

The Bio-One business motto is Help First, Business Second.  We hope you never need to call us, but if you do, Bio-One is the only company you want to call. We are always available 24/7 and ready to help at a moment’s notice. Call Bio-One of Tucson today at (520) 462-6367 to schedule your service today.

Bio-One of  Tucson
(520) 462-6367
631 East 20th Street, Unit 101
Tucson, Arizona 85719

Follow us on social!



This holiday season is a great time to reflect on the things that bring us light and joy into our lives. On behalf of the Bio-One of Tucson management and staff, we would like to wish you a happy holiday season and new year! Thank you to all our customers and community partners for your support in 2021. We look forward to another successful year in 2022!

Out And About In Our Community




Bio-One of Tucson specializes in all types of clean up including coronavirus (COVID-19) disinfection and cleaning, crime and trauma scene cleanup, hoarding removal, mold remediation, emergency decontamination, disinfection services and more in Tucson and the surrounding communities in the following counties: Pima County, Pinal County, Yuma County, Cochise County, Santa Cruz County, Graham County, and Greenlee County. 

The Bio-One business motto is Help First, Business Second.  We hope you never need to call us, but if you do, Bio-One is the only company you want to call. We are always available 24/7 and ready to help at a moment’s notice. Call Bio-One of Tucson today at (520) 462-6367 to schedule your service today.

Bio-One of  Tucson
(520) 462-6367
631 East 20th Street, Unit 101
Tucson, Arizona 85719

Follow us on social!

Medical Waste Disposal
Medical waste is one of the most sensitive types of waste, and its disposal needs to be handled with utmost precision and care. Despite this, not a lot of people know how to deal with it and are likely to mishandle it.


Well, worry not, because we will cover all the important aspects of medical waste! Let’s dive right in. 


What is Medical Waste?

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) defines biohazardous medical waste as "medical waste that is composed of one or more of the following: Cultures and stocks, Human blood and blood products, Human pathologic wastes, Research animal wastes, and Medical sharps."  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) also considers COVID waste as a level 3 biohazard and needs to be disposed of as medical waste.  Essentially, any item that comes into contact with body fluids is medical waste. Primarily, the term covers solid waste that is the outcome of diagnosis, immunization, and any medical treatment of humans. 


Types of Medical Waste

As you would expect, there are many types of medical waste. Medical waste can be in the form of: 

● Personal protective equipment (PPE)

● Wipes or paper towels

● Gloves used in a medical procedure

● Used syringes with and without needles

● Bandages

● Dressings


Although this list is helpful in terms of understanding medical waste, it is not exhaustive. What you need to remember is that any kind of waste that comes from medical care is medical waste, and hence should be handled accordingly.


Different Ways to Deal with Medical Waste

Back in the day, you could only handle medical waste by collecting it in special, plastic boxes and bags. These boxes and bags were then thrown in normal trash. However, it was quickly realized that disposing medical waste without treating it first resulted in the spread of diseases and viruses. 


Depending on the kind of medical waste you are dealing with, the following disposal processes can be used: 

1) Autoclaving

This process involves steam sterilization and focuses on completely destroying the microorganisms.

2) Incineration 

Incineration is a quick, easy, and simple disposal process that is aimed at safely removing microorganisms by burning them.

3) Chemicals 

Chemical disinfection is another waste disposal method. This one is aimed at getting rid of liquid waste.

4) Microwaving 

This process revolves around shredding the waste, mixing it with water, internally heating it to kill all the harmful elements, including microorganisms. 


However, in Arizona, when dealing with biohazardous medical waste, it is important to hire an ADEQ licensed medical waste transporter to ensure your waste has been properly treated or disposed of at an approved facility. There are state laws regarding the proper storage, transfer, treatment, and disposal of biohazardous medical waste. A $25,000 fine may be issued by ADEQ to anyone who uses an unlicensed company to remove the waste.  Visit for more information and updated lists of transporters or give us a call with any questions.


Dispose of Medical Waste with Bio-One

Bio-One technicians follow strict state guidelines for safely removing and disposing medical waste in Tucson Area, thus minimizing the risks associated with these bio-hazardous materials. Our medical waste management services include 24-hour emergency response and weekly/monthly/quarterly transportation and disposal of bio-medical waste from medical examiners offices, hospitals, dental offices and nursing homes, and other facilities that generate bio-hazardous waste.


Using clearly marked containers, Bio-One experts are careful to properly dispose of medical waste that potentially carry blood borne pathogens. We also counsel paramedics and first responders—professionals at risk of handling bio-hazardous material—on how to best handle medical waste and limit the risks associated with their work.



Bio-One of Tucson specializes in all types of clean up including coronavirus (COVID-19) disinfection and cleaning, crime and trauma scene cleanup, hoarding removal, mold remediation, emergency decontamination, disinfection services and more in Tucson and the surrounding communities in the following counties: Pima County, Pinal County, Yuma County, Cochise County, Santa Cruz County, Graham County, and Greenlee County. 

The Bio-One business motto is Help First, Business Second.  We hope you never need to call us, but if you do, Bio-One is the only company you want to call. We are always available 24/7 and ready to help at a moment’s notice. Call Bio-One of Tucson today at (520) 462-6367 to schedule your service today.

Bio-One of  Tucson
(520) 462-6367
631 East 20th Street, Unit 101
Tucson, Arizona 85719

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Seasonal Depression - Preparation for the Holidays and the Upcoming New Year


Do you feel overcome with a sudden wave of sadness during the holidays? Don’t chalk it up to a case of mere holiday blues: you could be going through seasonal holiday stress and depression.


It’s natural for your mood to fluctuate as seasons pass - for example, some people find the colder weather very dreary and are likely to sulk as the temperature drops, whereas others tend to experience a change of mood during the long and hot summer days. The truth is that all of this is a part of being human - and for the most part, you can’t escape these perfectly normal shifts in your behavior. 


However, when you are hit by feelings of depression during the holiday season, when everyone else around you is enthusiastically partaking in the festive spirit, you may feel overwhelmed and out of the loop with the world. 


It’s time to stop worrying - here are a few tips will help you combat seasonal stress and depression so that you can enjoy the holiday season like you deserve to. 


What are the Symptoms of Seasonal Holiday Depression? How do you tell that your feelings are not just "normal" sadness but symptoms of seasonal depression? Looking for the following stress responses may help:


1. Feeling sad, hopeless, and pessimistic every day (or nearly every day)

2. Losing interest in things you usually enjoy

3. Feeling lazy or having problems with your sleep routine

4. Changes in your appetite

5. Increased agitation and frustration towards people around you

6. Not being able to concentrate


Before we get into the ways you can deal with seasonal holiday stress and depression, let’s look at a few things that may trigger these feelings. 


The triggers of seasonal depression during the holidays include, but are not limited to: 

● Fatigue

● Overworking to organize gatherings

● Over-commercialization

● Financial stress

● Physical distance from loved ones

● Unrealistic expectations

● Emotional burnout

● Social exhaustion


Any of these can cause you to feel sad, which may lead to stress and depression that feel all-consuming. Even if others don’t seem to be bothered about the things that don’t sit well with you, you should know that your feelings are completely valid!


Here are a few tips that can help you cope with holiday depression:

● Be realistic: do not take more responsibilities than you can deal with. 

● Don't feel pressured into communication and interacting if you don't want to. 

● Spread your energy across different holidays instead of saving it for just one day, like Christmas/New Year's Eve. 

● If you feel lonely, seek opportunities to help others.

● Don't drink too much. 

● Indulge in self-care. 

● Don't overspend.

● Establish a strong support network by reaching out to a trusted friend, family member or therapist.

● Remembering that it's okay to not feel okay!


Be kind to yourself and remind yourself that although you may be feeling down and out, it's only temporary.  You're going to make it through the holidays and come out of it even stronger. You’ve Got This!



Bio-One of Tucson specializes in all types of clean up including coronavirus (COVID-19) disinfection and cleaning, crime and trauma scene cleanup, hoarding removal, mold remediation, emergency decontamination, disinfection services and more in Tucson and the surrounding communities in the following counties: Pima County, Pinal County, Yuma County, Cochise County, Santa Cruz County, Graham County, and Greenlee County. 

The Bio-One business motto is Help First, Business Second.  We hope you never need to call us, but if you do, Bio-One is the only company you want to call. We are always available 24/7 and ready to help at a moment’s notice. Call Bio-One of Tucson today at (520) 462-6367 to schedule your service today.

Bio-One of  Tucson
(520) 462-6367
631 East 20th Street, Unit 101
Tucson, Arizona 85719

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Odor Removal - Tobacco Smoke


When it comes to the odor of stale cigarettes, even smokers don’t like this smell. Dealing with cigarette smokes is never pleasant but we are here to help you out. Bio-One of Tucson provides amazing services to remove tobacco smoke odor from your home and business. 


Dangers Of Tobacco Smoke Odor

  • Tobacco smoke particles are small and can easily penetrate into any part of your home or business. 
  • Tobacco smoke is considered a carcinogen. It can cause cancer, heart disease, and lung disease to name a few. 


Importance Of Removing Tobacco Smoke Odor 

  • It will help you to ensure a healthy environment for your family. 
  • It will lower the risks of getting various diseases. 
  • It will ensure the safety of yourself, your family, and pets residing in your home.
  • Removal of tobacco smoke odor enhances your home or business environment.


Bio-One offers a simple and effective approach to restore your property’s air quality in a timely manner. After identifying the source of the smell, our odor removal experts use powerful chemicals and special equipment to comprehensively decontaminate the area.  Call us today to schedule your free estimate. 



Strong odors are unpleasant, but they also may carry potentially hazardous materials like bacteria and dangerous gases. Bio-One technicians employ methods to remove toxic odors that are found in everything from unattended deaths to crime scenes to mold and spills. Whether overwhelming odors affect your personal, commercial or industrial property, our odor removal experts in Tucson Area are trained to determine the source of the smell, decontaminate it, and safely dispose of hazardous remnants.


Our environmentally safe odor removal services can disinfect all areas affected by the odor and discard household or commercial items that may have been compromised—items like carpeting, flooring and drywall that are commonly the victims of smoke, water damage, urine, sewage and fuel spills. We safely can safely remove allergens that can result in respiratory health problems and allergies. Call us today to schedule your free estimate. 


Bio-One of Tucson specializes in all types of clean up including coronavirus (COVID-19) disinfection and cleaning, crime and trauma scene cleanup, hoarding removal, mold remediation, emergency decontamination, disinfection services and more in Tucson and the surrounding communities in the following counties: Pima County, Pinal County, Yuma County, Cochise County, Santa Cruz County, Graham County, and Greenlee County. 

The Bio-One business motto is Help First, Business Second.  We hope you never need to call us, but if you do, Bio-One is the only company you want to call. We are always available 24/7 and ready to help at a moment’s notice. Call Bio-One of Tucson today at (520) 462-6367 to schedule your service today.

Bio-One of  Tucson
(520) 462-6367
631 East 20th Street, Unit 101
Tucson, Arizona 85719

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First Responder Relay Presented by Bio-One, Inc.

We are delighted to announce our sponsorship of the First Responder Relay in Las Vegas on October 16th. The First Responders Relay is a 9 person 48-mile running relay with stages ranging from 4.0 miles to 7.7 miles. The relay is competition comprised of first responder personnel from throughout the United States and the World, and is hosted by the California Police Athletic Federation (CPAF).

There is still time to register, but don't delay! Registration closes September 18.  Visit to join us in Las Vegas!

Rodent Droppings - Everything You Need to Know


Finding dried rat feces is the last thing any house owner would wish for. However, how many of us know the exact dangers associated with rat droppings? Yes, that’s right - rodent droppings are not as harmless as you would assume. In fact, if not handled properly, they can very quickly turn into your worst nightmare!


If you are dealing with a rodent infestation problem in your home or business and are looking at remediating them, you need to know exactly what you are dealing with and the safety measures you must take. 


Identifying Rodent Droppings

The first thing you need to know is how to distinguish between rodent droppings and droppings from other kinds of pest. The most common ones that you are likely to encounter after an infestation are rodent, mice, and cockroach droppings. Remember that cockroach excrement is smaller, and nearly not as harmful as rodent droppings. Therefore, upon inspection, make sure that you are dealing with rodent droppings before you proceed.


Rodent Droppings - The Dangers

Rodent droppings are extremely dangerous! They can contaminate food, cause allergic reactions, and even transmit bacteria and diseases in you and your loved ones. They have particles that can enter your nasal passages and result in infection of one sort or the other. Moreover, some rodent species also have Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) associated with them. This means that the droppings, saliva, and urine of such rodents could lead to you contracting the illness. Although it is not a common occurrence, contracting HPS can lead to death if left untreated. 


Dealing with Rodent Droppings

We suggest you to not handle rodent droppings at home, especially if you do not have the right protective gear. This is mainly because even the slight disturbance of rodent droppings can cause the HPS virus as well as any other potential diseases to be airborne, making it easier for you to get sick. 


Therefore, the best way to deal with rat droppings is to leave it to the professionals! At Bio One, we have just the knowledge and expertise to help clean your house of rodent droppings, without you having to put your health to risk.


Bio-One’s rodent dropping clean-up services specialize in the removal, decontamination and disinfection of animal waste in Tucson Area. Rodents are more than bothersome creatures. Rats, mice, bats and pigeons - common household pests - can transmit viral diseases via unattended urine, feces and saliva. Often, their bacterium is airborne and can affect food and water sources found in homes and businesses. Several diseases can be found in rodent droppings, including leptospirosis, a bacterial disease commonly found in food and water sources; arenavirus, a viral disease that can cause extreme sickness; and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, also a viral disease contracted through contact with rodent droppings.


Our technicians can properly remove rodent waste and disinfect areas affected by rats, mice, bats, pigeons, cockroaches and other rodents. Although dry and longstanding, these droppings can still carry bacteria and parasites, especially in badly ventilated areas.


Bio-One of Tucson specializes in all types of clean up including coronavirus (COVID-19) disinfection and cleaning, crime and trauma scene cleanup, hoarding removal, mold remediation, emergency decontamination, disinfection services and more in Tucson and the surrounding communities in the following counties: Pima County, Pinal County, Yuma County, Cochise County, Santa Cruz County, Graham County, and Greenlee County. 

The Bio-One business motto is Help First, Business Second.  We hope you never need to call us, but if you do, Bio-One is the only company you want to call. We are always available 24/7 and ready to help at a moment’s notice. Call Bio-One of Tucson today at (520) 462-6367 to schedule your service today.

Bio-One of  Tucson
(520) 462-6367
631 East 20th Street, Unit 101
Tucson, Arizona 85719

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Protect your fur family from canine parvovirus (PARVO)


There is nothing more distressing for a dog owner than to find out that their fur friend has contracted what could potentially be a life-threatening sickness. Unfortunately, PARVO - a deadly form of canine virus - is very common. 


PARVO can cause some serious health complications for your beloved pet, which is why you should be taking all possible measures against the chances of your dog contracting it. 


In this article, we will take a closer look at what PARVO is, and how you can protect your dogs from it! 


What is PARVO?

PARVO is a disease caused in puppies by the canine parvovirus (CPV or CPV2). The reason why PARVO is so threatening is that it is extremely contagious. Not only that, but a dog can contract due to both indirect and direct interaction with an infected dog or any other contaminated object. This means that your puppy is more or less always exposed to the risk of getting parvovirus.


For example, something as trivial as a person who has been in contact with an infected dog petting your puppy can lead to your puppy getting the virus. 


Parvovirus affects the stomach and small intestines, and this is where the virus does most of the damage. It destroys the cells inside the small intestine. It is also known to disrupt the gut barrier and cause complications in terms of absorption. 


Younger puppies are more susceptible to parvovirus - so if your dog is aged six weeks to six months, you need to ensure that they are either vaccinated against parvovirus or are sheltered enough that they have no contact whatsoever with the virus. 


Disinfecting Your House to Get Rid of Parvovirus

In order to ensure that your house is a safe space for your pet, you need to make sure that there is not even a single trace of parvovirus around to harm your pet. Fortunately, disinfecting your house to get rid of parvovirus is not very hard. 


At Bio-One of Tucson, we have just the right cleaning solutions, equipment, and cleaners to kill parvovirus and ensure that your pet can live healthily in a Parvo-free environment! So, if you want to go the (necessary) extra mile and make sure that your pet is safe at home, you should get in touch with us today. 



What Every Puppy Owner Needs to Know About Parvo in Puppies

How to Disinfect Your Home After Parvovirus


Bio-One is a trusted leader in the decontamination industry and employs certified technicians who provide expert cleanup services for coronavirus (COVID-19) disinfection, and regularly disinfects for bloodborne pathogens, viruses and bacteria such as HIV, Hepatitis, MRSA, and many others. Teams use the appropriate disinfectant product and procedure when remediating. When a home or business has been impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19) or other viruses and bacteria, it should be cleaned as quickly as possible as surfaces could be contaminated for up to a week and in some situations, longer. These areas need to be cleaned professionally.


Bio-One experts adhere to strict OSHA regulations and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance when safely cleaning and disinfecting businesses, residential properties, vehicles and other properties as needed from coronavirus (COVID-19). Areas and materials impacted by pathogens and viruses are properly and discreetly disinfected, decontaminated and removed when necessary. The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is a serious situation and Bio-One is available to remediate and we fully understand the importance of keeping you, your family and employees healthy and safe. There is no need for you to remediate and disinfect these areas yourself – call the professionals at Bio-One.


Our teams carry out the cleaning and disinfection work in a caring and private manner and our professional crews are compassionate and discreet when working with families, property managers and business owners and are available 24/7. In addition to Bio-One providing coronavirus (COVID-19) disinfection and cleaning, crews also provide proactive cleaning to minimize the transmission of emerging viral pathogens. We also offer crime and trauma scene cleanup services, hoarding removal, mold remediation, emergency decontamination, and disinfection services for properties such as residential homes, vehicles, communities, and businesses.


*Bio-One’s cleaning protocol suppresses the spread and threat of coronavirus. However, there is no cleaning method in the world that guarantees total elimination of pathogens.


Bio-One of Tucson specializes in all types of clean up including coronavirus (COVID-19) disinfection and cleaning, crime and trauma scene cleanup, hoarding removal, mold remediation, emergency decontamination, disinfection services and more in Tucson and the surrounding communities in the following counties: Pima County, Pinal County, Yuma County, Cochise County, Santa Cruz County, Graham County, and Greenlee County. 

The Bio-One business motto is Help First, Business Second.  We hope you never need to call us, but if you do, Bio-One is the only company you want to call. We are always available 24/7 and ready to help at a moment’s notice. Call Bio-One of Tucson today at (520) 462-6367 to schedule your service today.

Bio-One of  Tucson
(520) 462-6367
631 East 20th Street, Unit 101
Tucson, Arizona 85719

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